Friday 26 September 2014

star image

Ihave chosen to look at the image of the 'arctic monkeys' as they are a band that have been in the music industry for a few years now and have changed a significant amount over this period of time.

The first ever TV performance:

From this video of the Arctic Monkeys very first Tv apperance we get the idea that they are a band that a down to earth, they don't look like a band that are trying to fit into the usual presentation of what we expect a band to look like, from this we see them performing onTV in casual jeans and tops, Because of this we recognise them more as they stand out from the crowed not trying to fit in with other bands. This then lead to them getting lots of attention as "they are not like a usual band" they made the audience feel like they where just a band from sheffield starting out and wanting to be themselves and not fall into the loop of usual bands and just be themselves.

This video was from the Brit Awrds in 2014. The Arctic Monkeys where the opening act, just from this alone we can see how far they have come and how they have changed over the years and become more popluar. From looking at both videos we see a drastic change in clothes this show us how much they have changed and now fit in with the bands of todays music industry. at first we where shown them dressed in jeans and tshirts just asboys trying to get somewhere  in the music industry maybe not taking it to seriously, where as now they have thought about there image and what the puplic excpect from a band and have taken this on board and changed there hole image completley.

Along side this the stage presents of each performance has changed a lot, in the first one nthey are just playing as a band with no spesicfic stage set up just wantiong the audience to listen to there music, where as the the performance now has a huge set up with fire, this ingages the audience and is what is typical to see when an artist in performing on stage in comapason to in 2007.

This image of the arctic monkeys in 2007, shows them to be normal teenagers that we would exspect to mess around and not take anything to seriously. From photos in 2007 they are shown to be still very younge and not mature.

In comparison to now in this phot they look mature and have changed style completely. This suggests that they may take the music indusrty more seriously now and have tryed to fit in with other bands in the industry rather than standing out as themselves

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