Tuesday, 30 September 2014






using photoshop i have been practice and learn how to manipulate a photo to remove flaws and create a more eye pleasing photo.


Friday, 26 September 2014

music video director

One of  the music video directors i have looked at is Nabil. To me the videos are all very different but all have a lot of narrative in them. Every video I have seen by nabil has had a different narrative that is relevant to the lyrics in the song.

some of the songs he has directed:


some of my favourite videos are: 

star image

Ihave chosen to look at the image of the 'arctic monkeys' as they are a band that have been in the music industry for a few years now and have changed a significant amount over this period of time.

The first ever TV performance:

From this video of the Arctic Monkeys very first Tv apperance we get the idea that they are a band that a down to earth, they don't look like a band that are trying to fit into the usual presentation of what we expect a band to look like, from this we see them performing onTV in casual jeans and tops, Because of this we recognise them more as they stand out from the crowed not trying to fit in with other bands. This then lead to them getting lots of attention as "they are not like a usual band" they made the audience feel like they where just a band from sheffield starting out and wanting to be themselves and not fall into the loop of usual bands and just be themselves.

This video was from the Brit Awrds in 2014. The Arctic Monkeys where the opening act, just from this alone we can see how far they have come and how they have changed over the years and become more popluar. From looking at both videos we see a drastic change in clothes this show us how much they have changed and now fit in with the bands of todays music industry. at first we where shown them dressed in jeans and tshirts just asboys trying to get somewhere  in the music industry maybe not taking it to seriously, where as now they have thought about there image and what the puplic excpect from a band and have taken this on board and changed there hole image completley.

Along side this the stage presents of each performance has changed a lot, in the first one nthey are just playing as a band with no spesicfic stage set up just wantiong the audience to listen to there music, where as the the performance now has a huge set up with fire, this ingages the audience and is what is typical to see when an artist in performing on stage in comapason to in 2007.

This image of the arctic monkeys in 2007, shows them to be normal teenagers that we would exspect to mess around and not take anything to seriously. From photos in 2007 they are shown to be still very younge and not mature.

In comparison to now in this phot they look mature and have changed style completely. This suggests that they may take the music indusrty more seriously now and have tryed to fit in with other bands in the industry rather than standing out as themselves

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Past Music Video Ranking/Review

Year 12 Analysis

Things that went well:
  • Match on action
  • No clashes of opinion 
  • Good representation/stereotyping  in the piece
  • Brainstorming first ideas and storyboarding

Things to improve:
  • Better organisation amongst the group to make sure tasks are distributed evenly
  • Make sure all members 
  • Making sure all tasks are detailed and have pictures when being put on the blog
  • Making sure following timetable to make sure final piece is completed on time rather then panicking within the group

Past Music Video Ranking/Review

In class we where shown music videos made by the past years of the school and were then asked to rank them in order of best to worst.
when first looking at the music videos we put them in the order of:

     1.     13A3 Nine 2 Five
     2.     12A2 Life Happens 
     3.     13B6 Ike and Tina
     4.     13E6 Go In, Go Hard
     5.     13E9 Today I Cried
     6.     13134 Lost
     7.     13E4 If You Wanna
     8.     13B3 What We Started
     9.     13E7 12 Rounds
    10.    13A1 Sparks Fly
    11.    13B1 Rewind

From doing this  I learned a lot about music videos. I learnt what to do and what not to do to make the best video.I found the video for Nine 2 Five was the best out of these videos. It was very well thought out and planned, you could tell alot of thought had gone into what they was going to do to make everything work, the lips were in sync and they cut in time to the music. They aslo had a vairety of loactions, which keeps it interetsing than justv haveing one location which bores the viewer. I found the video for Rewind was the worst, the lips were not in sync to the music, they attempted using a narrative in the video, but it was very confusing and unclear, the video didnt work with the lyrics and didnt make sense.

I have learnt that when making my music video,
I should make sure the lip sync is perfect as i canm all the way through the video. To make this happens and works effectively I will use the same version of the track when filming as well as when I'm editing. 
Have lots of different locations. This keeps video interesting and the viewer engaged.
Make sure I cut the footage in time with the music. To avaid this I will look at the synaesthesia of the music, and cut at the high notes or the low notes.
Use a variety of shots from different angles. When going on a shoot I will take more than one camera, so that I have a lot of interesting footage to work with when it comes to editing.
I found that with some of the videos from perious years some of the actors were very lifeless and awkward in front of a camera this changed the feeling and the look of the video completely. So when it comes to choosing who's going to perform in my music video, I'll be sure to choose someone who's confident performing in front of a camera top get the best shots and so the music video doesnt feel lifeless.
I will also leave pleanty of time for re-shoots.so that if we need to do pick ups a d re film parts we have plenty of time, this will allow us to try and make thye video the best we can and not have anmy parts that dont match within the music video.